
data class Character(val alias: List<String> = emptyList(), val comicvineId: Long? = null, val creators: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val description: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val resourceUrl: String, val teams: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val universes: List<BaseResource> = emptyList())

A data model representing a character.


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constructor(alias: List<String> = emptyList(), comicvineId: Long? = null, creators: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), description: String? = null, grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, id: Long, image: String? = null, modified: Instant, name: String, resourceUrl: String, teams: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), universes: List<BaseResource> = emptyList())


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@Serializable(with = EmptyListSerializer::class)
val alias: List<String>

The aliases of the character.

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val comicvineId: Long? = null

The Comic Vine ID of the character.

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The creators of the character.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val description: String? = null

The description of the character.

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The Grand Comics Database ID of the character

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val id: Long

The unique identifier of the resource.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val image: String? = null

The image URL of the character.

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val modified: Instant

The date and time when the resource was last modified.

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The name of the resource.

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The URL of the character resource.

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The teams the character belongs to.

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The universes the character is associated with.