Package-level declarations


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data class Arc(val comicvineId: Long? = null, val description: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val resourceUrl: String)

A data model representing an arc.

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data class BaseResource(val id: Long, val modified: Instant, val name: String)

A data model representing a base resource.

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data class BasicIssue(val coverDate: LocalDate, val coverHash: String? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val number: String, val series: BasicIssue.Series, val storeDate: LocalDate? = null, val title: String)

A data model representing a basic issue

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data class BasicSeries(val id: Long, val issueCount: Int, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val volume: Int, val yearBegan: Int)

A data model representing a basic series.

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data class Character(val alias: List<String> = emptyList(), val comicvineId: Long? = null, val creators: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val description: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val resourceUrl: String, val teams: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val universes: List<BaseResource> = emptyList())

A data model representing a character.

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data class Creator(val alias: List<String> = emptyList(), val birth: LocalDate? = null, val comicvineId: Long? = null, val death: LocalDate? = null, val description: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val resourceUrl: String)

A data model representing a creator.

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data class GenericItem(val id: Long, val name: String)

A data model representing a generic item.

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data class Imprint(val comicvineId: Long? = null, val description: String? = null, val founded: Int? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val publisher: GenericItem, val resourceUrl: String)

A data model representing an imprint.

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data class Issue(val alternativeNumber: String? = null, val arcs: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val characters: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val comicvineId: Long? = null, val coverDate: LocalDate, val coverHash: String? = null, val credits: List<Issue.Credit> = emptyList(), val description: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val imprint: GenericItem? = null, val isbn: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val number: String, val pageCount: Int? = null, val price: Double? = null, val publisher: GenericItem, val rating: GenericItem, val reprints: List<Issue.Reprint> = emptyList(), val resourceUrl: String, val series: Issue.Series, val sku: String? = null, val storeDate: LocalDate? = null, val stories: List<String> = emptyList(), val teams: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val title: String? = null, val universes: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val upc: String? = null, val variants: List<Issue.Variant> = emptyList())

A data model representing an issue.

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data class ListResponse<T>(val count: Int, val next: String? = null, val previous: String? = null, val results: List<T> = listOf())

A generic response wrapper for paginated API results.

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data class Publisher(val comicvineId: Long? = null, val country: String, val description: String? = null, val founded: Int? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val resourceUrl: String)

A data model representing a publisher.

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data class Series(val associated: List<Series.Associated> = emptyList(), val comicvineId: Long? = null, val description: String? = null, val genres: List<GenericItem> = emptyList(), val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val imprint: GenericItem? = null, val issueCount: Int, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val publisher: GenericItem, val resourceUrl: String, val seriesType: GenericItem, val status: String, val sortName: String, val volume: Int, val yearBegan: Int, val yearEnd: Int? = null)

A data model representing a series.

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data class Team(val comicvineId: Long? = null, val creators: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val description: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val resourceUrl: String, val universes: List<BaseResource> = emptyList())

A data model representing a team.

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data class Universe(val description: String? = null, val designation: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val name: String, val publisher: GenericItem, val resourceUrl: String)

A data model representing a universe.