
data class Issue(val alternativeNumber: String? = null, val arcs: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val characters: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val comicvineId: Long? = null, val coverDate: LocalDate, val coverHash: String? = null, val credits: List<Issue.Credit> = emptyList(), val description: String? = null, val grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, val id: Long, val image: String? = null, val imprint: GenericItem? = null, val isbn: String? = null, val modified: Instant, val number: String, val pageCount: Int? = null, val price: Double? = null, val publisher: GenericItem, val rating: GenericItem, val reprints: List<Issue.Reprint> = emptyList(), val resourceUrl: String, val series: Issue.Series, val sku: String? = null, val storeDate: LocalDate? = null, val stories: List<String> = emptyList(), val teams: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val title: String? = null, val universes: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), val upc: String? = null, val variants: List<Issue.Variant> = emptyList())

A data model representing an issue.


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constructor(alternativeNumber: String? = null, arcs: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), characters: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), comicvineId: Long? = null, coverDate: LocalDate, coverHash: String? = null, credits: List<Issue.Credit> = emptyList(), description: String? = null, grandComicsDatabaseId: Long? = null, id: Long, image: String? = null, imprint: GenericItem? = null, isbn: String? = null, modified: Instant, number: String, pageCount: Int? = null, price: Double? = null, publisher: GenericItem, rating: GenericItem, reprints: List<Issue.Reprint> = emptyList(), resourceUrl: String, series: Issue.Series, sku: String? = null, storeDate: LocalDate? = null, stories: List<String> = emptyList(), teams: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), title: String? = null, universes: List<BaseResource> = emptyList(), upc: String? = null, variants: List<Issue.Variant> = emptyList())


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data class Credit(val creator: String, val id: Long, val roles: List<GenericItem> = emptyList())

A class representing a credit with ID, creator and roles.

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data class Reprint(val id: Long, val issue: String)

A data model representing a reprint.

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data class Series(val genres: List<GenericItem> = emptyList(), val id: Long, val name: String, val seriesType: GenericItem, val sortName: String, val volume: Int, val yearBegan: Int)

A data model representing an issue series.

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data class Variant(val image: String, val name: String? = null, val sku: String? = null, val upc: String? = null)

A data model representing a variant cover.


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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val alternativeNumber: String? = null

The alternative number of the issue.

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The arcs associated with the issue.

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The characters featured in the issue.

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val comicvineId: Long? = null

The Comic Vine ID of the issue.

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val coverDate: LocalDate

The cover date of the issue.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val coverHash: String? = null

The hash value of the issue cover.

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The credits for the issue.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val description: String? = null

The description of the issue.

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The Grand Comics Database ID of the issue.

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val id: Long

The unique identifier of the issue.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val image: String? = null

The image URL of the issue.

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val imprint: GenericItem? = null

The imprint of the issue or None.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val isbn: String? = null

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the issue.

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val modified: Instant

The date and time when the issue was last modified.

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The number of the issue.

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val pageCount: Int? = null

The number of pages in the issue.

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val price: Double? = null

The price of the issue.

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The publisher of the issue.

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The rating of the issue.

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The reprints of the issue.

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The URL of the issue.

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The series to which the issue belongs.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val sku: String? = null

The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the issue.

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val storeDate: LocalDate? = null

The store date of the issue.

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The titles of the stories in the issue.

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The teams involved in the issue.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val title: String? = null

The title of the issue.

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The universes related to the issue.

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@Serializable(with = NullableStringSerializer::class)
val upc: String? = null

The Universal Product Code (UPC) of the issue.

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The variants of the issue.